The Aftermath of Maria - Day 15
It’s Thursday, October 5th. There’s no power and our water comes and goes. The cell signal works about 40% of the time. Considering our bed sheets are filthy because we lay in bed and sweat all night and we have no way to really get them clean, and the fact that we are covered in bug bites, we slept pretty well. We had oatmeal for breakfast and then went down to find Luis and Maria. We worked out details for our ride to San Juan on Saturday morning. They tell us Chris left this morning for San Juan. I really hope she gets a flight quickly.

We started packing for our trip back to Texas. I can’t wait to be where light switches work, where there aren’t ants everywhere, and where we have access to a fridge that runs 24 hours a day, not just 4. I have mixed feelings when I look out over the ocean. Damn I’m gonna miss that view, and we’re pretty sure we won’t come back to live here. It also reminds me of how disconnected we are from the rest of the world. Jason went to DXC to get his personal things and came back with Burger King for lunch. They were out of French fries but they did give him a bottle of water. Holy crap, we haven’t seen those since we were prepping for Irma. That was a month ago.
We went downstairs to chat and found Luis and Maria hanging out in their Jeep listening to the radio. Luis said they are SO BORED. Yeah, I get it. I feel for them. I told Luis I felt guilty for leaving and he was quick to remind me that he and Maria were choosing to stay, and that we should absolutely get the hell out of here as soon as possible.
We went upstairs to find our water was down to a dribble. I’m worried about everyone who is choosing to stay.